Pierre Baldi, PhD
Distinguished Professor, Department of Computer Science, School of Information and Computer Sciences, UCI; Director, Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics; Associate Director, Center for Machine Learning and Data Mining
Pierre Baldi has been the Founding Director of the UCI Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics (IGB) and its Bioinformatics Laboratory for the past 18 years, with a primary appointment in the UCI Department of Computer Science and a joint appointment in the Departments of Biological Chemistry in the School of Medicine, in the Department of Developmental and Cell Biology in the School of Biological Sciences, and the Department of Statistics in the School of Information and Computer Sciences. He has expertise in statistics, machine learning (deep learning), and bioinformatics and their applications to big data problems in genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, systems biology, computational neuroscience, and biomedical imaging. His laboratory has produced and maintained datatabases, programs, and web servers that are widely used by the scientific community including the ChemDB database of small molecules, the SCRATCH suite of protein feature predictors, the Cyber-T program for the differential analysis of gene expression data, and the MotifMap system for charting transcription factor binding sites on a genomewide scale and for supporting gene regulatory mechanisms inferences. Through the IGB and his laboratory, he is also directly responsible for the informatics infrastructure and analysis for all the high-throughput data produced by the UCI Genomics High-Throughput Facility. His laboratory has designed entire pipelines for analyzing high-throughput sequencing data [see, for instance: M. Zeller, C. Magnan, V. R. Patel, P. Rigor. L. Sender, and P. Baldi. A Genomic Analysis Pipeline and Its Application to Pediatric Cancers. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 11, 5, 826-839, (2014)]. He has mentored over 40 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows and for 10 years and was the PI and Director of the NIH-NLM sponsored T32 BIT (Biomedical Informatics Training) grant at UCI.