In addition to serving as the neuroimaging hub for multisite projects, the CNS Multisite Data Core also has created and operates the Pain and Interoception Imaging Network (PAIN) Repositories. This unique resource received start-up support from NIH as well as UCLA and provides infrastructure to house and distribute brain imaging and connected meta-data from any study employing the most widely used brain scanning protocols related to chronic pain. The PAIN Repository, therefore, has the potential to become the largest database for human brain research in the field. PAIN is multimodal.
Multimodal Imaging and Large Samples Enable Sophisticated Multilevel Brain Network Analyses
PAIN contains three types of MRI scanning data for each subject, high quality structural information, DTI, and resting state functional imaging. Unlike site specific, task related data, these three imaging modalities are obtainable with almost any high resolution scanner and are relatively context independent. Because of the known limitation of open access databases without standardization, PAIN includes two imaging databases:
The PAIN Standardized Repository contains scans for patients and controls that have been collected using a set of validated acquisition settings developed by UCLA to ensure compatibility for combined multisite analysis. It also contains a standardized set of clinical metadata for each subject.
The PAIN Archived Repository is an open repository in which contributors can deposit any structural, DTI or resting state scans of patients with pain or healthy controls which do not conform to the guidelines for scans in the Standarized Repository. Scans in the archive have minimal clinical information and can be very diverse in terms of scanning procedures. The Archive is a valuable resource for meta-analyses of neuroimaging data and comparative studies.
For more information and current data of the PAIN repositories, please visit