Director: Jennifer S. Labus, PhD, Co-Director: Kirsten Tillisch, MD
The Neuroimaging Core and Bioinformatics Core(NIBC) was established with infrastructure funding from an R24 Mind Body Center Grant in 2004 (PI: E. Mayer, Core PI: B. Naliboff), and has been expanded with funding from a SCOR grant from NIDDK/ORWH.

L-R: Jen Labus, Emeran Mayer, Cathy Liu, Cody Ashe-McNalley, Kirsten Tillisch, Bruce Naliboff (Director) Director: Brcue Naliboff, PhD The Oppenheimer Center at UCLA has made a major commitment to the expansion of collaborative data sharing with the creation of the CNS Multisite Data Core. The Data Core is spearheading the inclusion of neuroimaging data in...